Unlocking a low carbon gas future
Future Billing Methodology is an energy innovation project. It is looking at how to maximise the amount of renewable or ‘green gases’ which can be carried in the gas network.
Find out more in this short animation.
The project is now carrying out field trials.
Project Timeline
Sept 2017
Stakeholder consultation
consultation & stage
gate report
Oct 2017 - Oct 2020
Sensors & measurement
Nov-Dec 2020
Smart metering
Jan-Mar 2021
Outputs & Stakeholder consultation

About the project
Great Britain (GB) is preparing for a future where a range of sources provide us with low carbon energy. With 83% of GB homes currently heated by gas, natural gas alternatives or ‘green gases’ can help customers move to low carbon energy in a least cost, convenient way. The energy market needs to be ready to support this transition.
This project supports this transition by exploring how to update the commercial framework around how gas is billed. The current framework was designed for North Sea gas and can be a barrier for alternative sources of gas, particularly low carbon gases. This is because currently alternative gases must be pre-processed to meet current billing standards. This is costly and can add fossil based carbon back in to the process. This project aims to remove the need for this pre-processing, unlocking the door for more low carbon gases. Collaborative working with colleagues from across the gas industry will allow us to explore different options for billing and recommend the best solution for customers.
The NIC04 Future Billing Methodology Project Progress Report 5 is now available. Click here to...
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